Cal Hawk Tools

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Cal Hawk Tools


Cal Hawk Tools

Cal-Hawk Tools, also known as CTT Tools, INC, is a line of both power and non-power operated hand tools. Types of products found from Cal Hawk are: axes, ball joint separators, bolt cutters, chain-hoists, chisels, crimpers, dent pullers, extension bars, floor jacks, gear pullers, hacksaws, hammers, hatchets, nippers, picks, pliers, pry bars, punches, rakes, ratchets, riveters, saws, screw drivers, sheers, snips, sockets, staple guns, tie rod separators, tire chucks, utility knives, vises, wrenches, carpenter's levels, chalk lines, electric soldering guns, framing squares, plumb bobs, bench grinders, blow guns, drill presses, grease guns, grinding wheels, sanders, soldering guns, air impact wrenches, air pumps and hose line, air hammer, air ratchets, and air spray guns.


36" Wrecking Bar

SKU: 2174


Stock: Out of Stock


36-pc. 5mm Letter and Number Punch Set

SKU: 2571


Stock: 1 Item


360-pc. Terminal Assortment

SKU: 3674


Stock: 12 Items


38-pc. Industrial Quality Wire Brush

SKU: 3910


Stock: Out of Stock


3MM Letter & Number Stamp/Punch Set - Cal-Hawk

SKU: 10847


Stock: 10 Items


4" Ball Mount

SKU: 3525


Stock: Out of Stock


4" Bench Vise

SKU: 706


Stock: 1 Item


4" Flap Disc - 40 Grit

SKU: 3318


Stock: 146 Items


4" Flap Disc - 80 Grit

SKU: 3319


Stock: 180 Items


4" Gear Puller

SKU: 2509


Stock: Out of Stock


4" Grinding Wheel

SKU: 3863


Stock: Out of Stock


4" Knot Type Wire Cup Brush

SKU: 3904


Stock: 57 Items


4" Knot-Type Wire Wheel

SKU: 3895


Stock: Out of Stock


4" Metal Cut-Off Wheel

SKU: 3856


Stock: 664 Items


4" Metal Swivel Caster w/ Lock

SKU: 10090


Stock: 4 Items


4" Scratch Awl

SKU: 5300


Stock: 118 Items


4" Stainless Steel Scraper

SKU: 4725


Stock: 42 Items


4" Supergrip Spring Clamp

SKU: 3602


Stock: 106 Items


4" Swivel Caster

SKU: 4677


Stock: 9 Items


4" Swivel Caster with Lock

SKU: 4687


Stock: 3 Items


4' Heavy Duty Trailer Light Wire

SKU: 3586


Stock: Out of Stock


4-1/2" Angle Grinder

SKU: 4431-1


Stock: Out of Stock


4-1/2" Circular Saw Blade

SKU: 3757


Stock: Out of Stock


4-1/2" Circular Saw Blade

SKU: 3757-1


Stock: 16 Items
