Optimize Your Shipping Costs

Wholesale Only! - $100 Minimum Order

Optimize Your Shipping Costs

Optimize Your Shipping Costs

Use our shipping optimization tool in your shopping cart to save money on shipping by maximizing each box's weight.

How It Works

  • Each box can weigh up to 50 pounds.

  • Exceeding 50 pounds in a shipment adds a new box with an additional base shipping fee.

  • Maximizing the weight in a single box can minimize avereage costs significantly.

  • Adding enough products in your shopping cart to get as close as possible to the 50 pound weight limit will help lower your overall shipping cost percentage.

  • You will see an representation of the weight in your order as pictured here towards the bottom of your shopping cart page to help you optimize your shipping costs.

Shipping Box Optimization

Real Fedex Shipping Cost Example to Atlanta, GA

Small Order (4.5 lbs)

Shipping Cost: $20.35

4.5 lbs box

Near Limit (46.5 lbs)

Shipping Cost: $34.66

46.5 lbs box

Over Limit (51 lbs)

Shipping Cost: $55.02 (2 Boxes)

51 lbs box

Save Money by Shopping Efficiently!

Use our guide at checkout to reduce unnecessary shipping costs.

Take a Look!
Shipping Box Optimization