Cal Hawk Tools

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Cal Hawk Tools


Cal Hawk Tools

Cal-Hawk Tools, also known as CTT Tools, INC, is a line of both power and non-power operated hand tools. Types of products found from Cal Hawk are: axes, ball joint separators, bolt cutters, chain-hoists, chisels, crimpers, dent pullers, extension bars, floor jacks, gear pullers, hacksaws, hammers, hatchets, nippers, picks, pliers, pry bars, punches, rakes, ratchets, riveters, saws, screw drivers, sheers, snips, sockets, staple guns, tie rod separators, tire chucks, utility knives, vises, wrenches, carpenter's levels, chalk lines, electric soldering guns, framing squares, plumb bobs, bench grinders, blow guns, drill presses, grease guns, grinding wheels, sanders, soldering guns, air impact wrenches, air pumps and hose line, air hammer, air ratchets, and air spray guns.


6" Stainless Steel Pry Bar

SKU: 3783


Stock: 45 Items


6" Stainless Steel Scraper

SKU: 4726


Stock: 27 Items


6" Supergrip Spring Clamp

SKU: 3603


Stock: 224 Items


6" Triangle File

SKU: 4196-2


Stock: 67 Items


6" Utility Wallboard Saw

SKU: 3793


Stock: 87 Items


6" Water Pump Pliers

SKU: 1924-1


Stock: Out of Stock


6-12 Volt In-Line Ignition Spark Tester

SKU: 2492


Stock: 143 Items


6-3/4" Coping Saw

SKU: 3781


Stock: 21 Items


6-4 Trailer Adapter Plug

SKU: 3571


Stock: 1740 Items


6-pc. 16" Wood Drill Bit Set

SKU: 4141


Stock: 2 Items


6-pc. 3/8" Drive x 5" Ball Point Hex Bit Socket Set - Metric

SKU: 1470


Stock: 6 Items


6-pc. Air Blow Gun Kit - Cal-Hawk

SKU: 1190


Stock: 80 Items


6-pc. Folding Hex Key Wrench Set - Metric

SKU: 1459


Stock: 31 Items


6-pc. Go-Through Screwdriver Set

SKU: 1990


Stock: Out of Stock


6-pc. Hollow Punch Set

SKU: 2579


Stock: 32 Items


6-pc. Hose Clamp Set

SKU: 5280


Stock: Out of Stock


6-pc. Plare Nut Wrench Set - Metric

SKU: 1288


Stock: 18 Items


6-pc. Quick Coupler Set

SKU: 1176


Stock: Out of Stock


6-pc. Shoulder Cup Hook Set

SKU: 5404


Stock: 113 Items


6-pc. Spade Wood Drill Bit Set

SKU: 4152


Stock: 1 Item


6-pc. Torx Screwdriver Set w/Rack

SKU: 1984


Stock: Out of Stock


6.5" By-Pass Lopping Shears w/Steel Handles

SKU: 4369


Stock: Out of Stock


6.5" By-Pass Telescoping Lopping Shears

SKU: 4391-1


Stock: 21 Items


60-pc. 2-Way Hand Riveter Set

SKU: 3705


Stock: Out of Stock
